
Kapu Nestham Payment Status Online

Kapu Nestham Payment Status Online

AP Govt., recently released YSR Kapu Nestham amount to all eligible Balija community women, whose age is above 45 yeras,

Check YSR Kapu Nestham Payment status 2022

The following are the steps to check the YSR kau nestham payment status 2022.

Kapu Nestham Payment Status Online
NBM Application status.
  • After you get the above page, you need to select scheme as YSR Kapu Nestham under Scheme feild.
  • then you need to enter beneficiary aadhar number in UID field.
  • after that, type the CAPTHA as shown ibn the NBM page and finally click on Get details button.
  • The payment status will be appeared to you whether you are eligible it will show to which bank the amount was credited or else it will show you the reasons why your application was rejected.


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